For One Small Step Connect conversation, each participant is responsible for showing up to the recording room at the agreed upon date and time. If your One Small Step Connect interview partner does not show up for your conversation, we recommend taking the following steps:
Give it some time
Some participants may not have had an opportunity to test their microphone and camera before their recording day or need a little extra time to log in to their account on This can sometimes cause delays for participants logging in for the first time, so if possible, we’d recommend waiting 10-15 minutes to see if your interview partner joins the conversation late.
Check the scheduling chat
If a participant encounters issues connecting to the OSS Connect platform, they will sometimes attempt to reach out to their interview partner via the scheduling chat. This chat is accessible from the One Small Step Connect interview room, so keep an eye on that chat in case your partner tries to contact you there.
Leave the conversation and notify StoryCorps
If your partner has not joined your virtual recording room or attempted to contact you after your agreed upon conversation time, you can leave your recording room at any time and notify StoryCorps so we can add you back to the participant pool. To do so, select Having Trouble?, choose the option that best fits the reason for ending your conversation, provide any relevant details, and select Report. Once you’ve notified StoryCorps, we will freeze communication between you and your interview partner until we can review the situation.