There are a number of ways you can share your StoryCorps interview with family and friends, depending on the privacy settings you choose for your interview, where you are sharing your interview from, and whether or not you decide to publish it to
Sharing interviews on
- Sharing Public Interviews on
- Sharing Private Interviews on
Sharing interviews using the StoryCorps App
- Sharing Published Interviews using the StoryCorps App
- Sharing Unpublished Interviews using the StoryCorps App
Sharing interviews on
Sharing Public Interviews on
If your interview is available on your profile and you've set the privacy settings to Public, you can share an interview directly from the interview page. If you select the Share icon on the right side of the interview media player, you can access the Share Menu with options to:
- share an interview via Facebook
- share an interview via Twitter
- share a direct Link to Story (you can also copy and paste the URL to your interview page from your browser's search bar)
- share an interview on your website using an Embed code
Please note: While you can still share direct links to interviews with privacy settings set to StoryCorps Community, these interviews will only be accessible by other users when they are logged into their account. |
Need more help? Try the step-by-step guide below:
Here's an interactive tutorial
** Best experienced in Full Screen (click the icon in the top right corner before you begin) **
Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners
Sharing Private Interviews on
If your interview is available on your profile and you've set the privacy settings to Private, you won't be able to use the options for public interviews outlined above. However, you do have the option to generate a secret link which you can share with anyone you'd like so they can access your interview while keeping it inaccessible to the public. You can find step-by-step instructions for how to create a secret link in the Help Center article below.
Is there a way to share a private interview?
You can also download your interview from and share the audio file directly with anyone you'd like. You'll find instructions for how to download your interview audio from in the Help Center articles below.
Can I download my StoryCorps interview from the website to my computer?
Please note: Audio files downloaded from can be quite large and may be to big too share via email. We suggest using a file-sharing service like Google Drive or DropBox when sharing your audio files directly. |
Sharing interviews using the StoryCorps App
Sharing Published Interviews using the StoryCorps App
If you've published your StoryCorps App interview and set the privacy settings to Public or StoryCorps Community, you can share a link directly to your interview using the app. To share a link to your interview using the StoryCorps App:
- Select the Profile tab in the app
- Select Interviews, and then select the interview you'd like to share
- On the interview page, select the Share icon
on the right side of the media player
- From there, you can send a direct link to your interview on using your preferred messaging app in addition to a number of social media platforms (such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.)
Please note:There is currently no way to share links to Private interviews using the StoryCorps App. Additionally, interviews that have been shared from the app with privacy settings set to StoryCorps Community are only accessible by other users when they are logged into their account. |
Sharing Unpublished Interviews using the StoryCorps App
If you chose not to publish your interview to (or haven't gotten around to publishing it yet) the only copy of your audio is saved to your device as a draft and cannot be shared from the app. If you'd like to share your unpublished audio, you can download a copy of the interview draft from the StoryCorps App and send the audio file directly to anyone you’d like. You'll find step-by-step instructions for how to download your interview draft from the StoryCorps App in the Help Center article below.
How do I download my interview audio in the StoryCorps App?
Please note: The audio files generated by the StoryCorps App can be quite large and may be too big to share via email. We suggest using a file-sharing service like Google Drive or DropBox when sharing your audio files directly. |