Please note that deleting your account will permanently delete any interview files and content you have uploaded on your account, this includes StoryCorps App interviews (published or not), and StoryCorps Connect interviews. Signature interviews will remain in the online archive even if your user account is deleted. (If you would like your Signature interview to be removed you can learn more here)
Please note that StoryCorps Terms of Use still apply for all interviews and other content shared on the Site. For Signature Interviews the conditions of the release form that you signed will also continue to be in effect.
We highly recommend that you create a backup of your audio files for your own records by saving them to your desktop or laptop computer.
If you’ve published your interviews to our website, you can save the audio files as follows:
- Log into your account at
- Click on your username in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Click on "My Interviews and Profile"
- Scroll down to the interview you’d like to download
- Right-click or control+click on the small cloud icon in the upper right corner of the interview box.
- When a drop-down menu appears, click on “Save Link As” and save the audio file to your desktop or laptop computer.
If you kept your interviews private and only saved them to your device, you can follow these steps to export your interview audio files from your device to a desktop or laptop computer.
After you’ve backed up your interviews, you can delete your account by following these steps:
- Log into your account at the website.
- Click on your username in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Click on "Edit Profile."
- Click on "Delete account" on the left side of the screen and follow the instructions.
*Important Note: Deleting your account, does not unsubscribe you from StoryCorps’ email list. To unsubscribe or update your email preferences, read more here.