In a few short weeks after you record you should receive an email from StoryCorps giving you access to your interview. For the majority of participants to chose to sign a General Release, this will be a link to claim your interview in the online archive.
By claiming your interview you receive access to your interview to listen to streaming on the web. Additionally you can easily share your interview with friends and family from this platform, and control your privacy setting. You can learn more in this article.
How to claim your interview
The email you receive will have a special link. Do not forward this email or this link. It is intended only for you and your interview partner to claim your interview. Forwarding it to others will compromise your privacy.
To claim your interview
- Click the link in the email
- This will take you to a page that will prompt you to create an account.
- Create an account on this page
- Do you already have an account? If you use or the StoryCorps App you can claim your interview with the same account! Instead of creating an account log in at that page to claim your interview
You're done! This should take you directly to your interview. You can always find your interview again by logging in to and going to your profile page. If you don't see your interview on your profile page right away, make sure to scroll down.
Need additional help? Try this step-by-step walk through of claiming an interview:
(click here to see it full screen)
1 The first step is to open the email sent to you by StoryCorps! The subject line will be: Your StoryCorps Interview is Ready
2 This email explains that your interview is now in the StoryCorps Archive. Scroll Down.
3 Click Claim Your StoryCorps Interview.
4 This will take you to an account creation page! To claim your interview you need to create an account so you can log in and access it. (If you already have an account, log in on the right instead!)
To begin creating an account,
click First Name
5 Type your First Name and Press Tab
6 Type your Last Name and Press Tab
7 Select a Username (and remember, usernames cannot be changed!) and Press Tab
8 Type your Email Address and Press Tab
9 Chose a Password and Press Tab
10 Type your Password again, to confirm.
11 Now you need to enter your birthday to confirm your age.
Scroll down and click Month
12 Select the month
13 Click Day
14 Select the correct day
15 Click Year
16 Select the correct year
17 Please note, to create an account you must be either 18+ years old, or be at least 13 years old and have the consent of a legal guardian.
If this is the case, click the checkbox.
18 Click Create Account
19 You've done it! You have now claimed your interview.
Next we'll show you what you can do on this page...
20 Here you can listen to your interview.
21 To share your interview, click the share icon.
(remember that even if you share the link to your interview, your privacy settings still apply!)
22 If you'd like to adjust your privacy settings, click Edit Visibility
23 Now, anytime you log into, you can find your interview again by clicking your avatar in the top-right corner....
24 Then, click View Profile
25 App interviews appear on your profile page above Signature interviews. So make sure to Scroll down to find your signature interview.
To access it, click the image.
26 And that's it!
You can learn more about updating your profile, your privacy settings, and more in our Help Center.
Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners