If a StoryCorps Connect interview appears as a “draft” on your archive.storycorps.org profile, that means you have not filled out all the required details or tagged your interview with any related keywords to finish publishing it in the online archive.
While your interview audio is saved to the online archive, it will not be accessible to others (including your interview partner!) until you complete all the required fields.
*Please note: drafts cannot be seen by anyone viewing your profile except you.
To edit and update your StoryCorp Connect interview’s details and keywords:
- Log in to archive.storycorps.org.
- Click on your profile photo (located on the upper right side of the page).
- Select “My Interviews & Profile” from the drop-down menu.
- Click anywhere on your interview’s image (or click the gear icon in the upper right of the image).
- Select the “DRAFT” interview you want to edit from your profile.
- Click “Edit Interview” (located below your interview picture on the right side of the page).
- From here you need to complete the following fields:
- Enter a Title or Quote from Your Conversation Name your interview. We suggest using participants’ names as your interview title. Example: “Juana Garcia and Lisbeth Collander.”
- Add a Summary or Description of Your Interview Write a 1- to 3-sentence interview summary that states participant names and ages, their relationship(s), and a brief summary of topics discussed.
- Who Participated in This Interview List everyone who participated in this interview. Provide email addresses so your participants receive a link to the interview. Email addresses are not visible to the public. Use real names to help people find this interview in the future.
- Tag Your Interview to Help People Find It Include any keywords, people, places, companies/organizations, and languages related to your interview.
- *at least one keyword is required
- Recording Location Help us map the StoryCorps universe by providing your recording location. Addresses are not visible to the public.
- Who Can Listen to This Interview? (Privacy Settings) Use these settings to set the visibility of your interview on the StoryCorps Archive and StoryCorps App:
- Public Your interview and related information are available to anyone on the web.
- StoryCorps Community Your interview and related information are available to anyone with an account on the StoryCorps Archive.
- Private Your interview and related information are private.
You can find more information on adjusting your interview’s privacy settings here.
- After you have filled in all of the required fields, select Save to Archive at the bottom of the page.
You’re done! Your interview will now appear on your profile page.
Do you need further assistance? Try the step-by-step tutorial below:
Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners