Please note: these instructions will work for all user-uploaded interviews (such as those recorded with the StoryCorps App or StoryCorps Connect). If you have concerns about photos for a Signature StoryCorps Interview (recorded with a StoryCorps facilitator), please submit a request.
When using StoryCorps Connect, screenshots are taken of the participants sporadically over the course of the interview. Participant photos are considered to be an important part of the StoryCorps Archive and are included with the interview when it is published to
- To add photos to your StoryCorps Connect interview
- To remove photos from your StoryCorps Connect interview
Add photos to your StoryCorps Connect interview
- Log in to
- Click your profile photo (upper right)
- Select My Interviews & Profile
- Click anywhere on your interview’s image (or click the gear icon in the upper right of the image)
- Select Edit Interview
- Upload your interview audio and photos
- To Add photos- Click the "Select files" option to choose the photo that you want to upload to the archive or drag the photo you wish to upload in the upload field
- Once you have uploaded your photo, click the Save & Archive button
Remove photos from your StoryCorps Connect interview
- Log in to
- Click your profile photo (upper right)
- Select My Interviews & Profile
- Click anywhere on your interview’s image (or click the gear icon in the upper right of the image)
- Select Edit Interview
- Locate the photo you want removed from your interview. All photos and audio files uploaded with your interview appear below the drag and drop upload field.
- Click the X next to the photo you want to remove.
- Once you have removed your photo, click the Save & Archive button
*Please note, your interview audio appears alongside your interview photos. All audio files have a microphone icon next to them and appear as .wav and mp3 files. All photos have a camera icon next to them and appear as jpeg files. Make sure that you do not delete any audio files when removing photos from your interview.