If you recorded an interview with StoryCorps as a minor, you may not have received access to it online, or you may have lost your copy of the interview (or the information you need to access it). The best way to find your interview depends on how it was originally recorded. Click the links below to jump to the information that applies to you:
- I recorded an interview using the StoryCorps App when I was a student.
- I recorded an interview with recording equipment at a school or public library.
- I recorded a Signature StoryCorps interview with a StoryCorps Facilitator (or official StoryCorps StoryKit).
I recorded an interview using the StoryCorps App when I was a student.
If your interview was recorded using the StoryCorps App and you successfully published it to the online archive after recording, then it is preserved there.
Your App interview can be accessed through the App or through archive.storycorps.org by logging in to your account. To access your interview:
- Log in to your account on archive.storycorps.org or the StoryCorps App.
- On the App, your interviews should appear under “My Interviews.”
- On archive.storycorps.org, click your profile image in the top-right corner of the page and select “My Interviews & Profile.”
If you no longer have your account information:
- First, try resetting your password. This will send an email to the email address you used when creating an account (if you created your account using Facebook, it will email the password reset link to the email address associated with your Facebook account when you created the account.) TIP: Make sure to check your spam folder if you do not get the password reset email.
- If you have difficulty resetting your password, or cannot recall the email address you used when creating your account, reach out to StoryCorps Public Support by submitting a request. To help our team find your account, please provide as many details as you can remember about your account and interview, such as:
- Your name and any alternate versions of your name you may have used
- Your username (or usernames you think you may have used)
- Your email address from when you created the account (or possible email addresses you may have used)
- The title of the interview(s) in question
- The name of your interview partner from the interview(s) in question
- The date, or general time, when you created the account or published the interview
If you’re having trouble remembering what email account you used or when you recorded, try searching in your old emails for a message from StoryCorps. You should have received a confirmation email after your App interview was published.
I recorded an interview with recording equipment at a school or public library.
While StoryCorps has worked with schools and libraries through many programs over time, there are also many organizations that conduct their own interview collection projects inspired by StoryCorps that are not actually contributing interviews to our archive.
Your best first step is to reach out to the institution you recorded with for access to your interview. If they do not have a copy, they may have more details about the program it was recorded through that can help us to find it.
If you cannot find your interview through the institution you recorded with and you are certain it was through a program that archived it with StoryCorps, reach out to StoryCorps by submitting a request.
To help us find your interview, please provide as many details as you can recall, such as:
- Your name and any alternate versions of your name you may have used
- The name of your interview partner
- The date you recorded (your best guess is fine)
- The location where you recorded (don’t forget to tell us the city and state!)
- Your contact information from the time of the interview
- Your age at the time of recording
I recorded a Signature StoryCorps interview with a StoryCorps Facilitator (or official StoryCorps StoryKit).
If you were over 13 at the time of recording.
You should have received an email from StoryCorps with a link to access your interview (don’t forget to check your spam folder!). If you did not receive this email, please reach out to StoryCorps by submitting a request.
If you were under 13 at the time of recording.
By default, interviews with participants under the age of 13 are not accessible to the participants in the online archive. You can request a downloadable copy of your interview by submitting a request.
If you would like to claim your interview in the online archive (so that you can play it streaming, and make it public to others) and you are now over the age of 13, you can request that your interview be unlocked by submitting a request. Please include your birthdate in your message so that we can confirm your age in our records.
If you reach out to StoryCorps for assistance finding your interview, please provide as many details as you can recall, such as:
- Your name and any alternate versions of your name you may have used
- The name of your interview partner(s)
- Your email address at that time
- Both of your parents’ email addresses from that time period
- The date you recorded (your best guess is fine)
- The location where you recorded (don’t forget to tell us the city and state!)
- Your other contact information from the time of the interview (phone number, address)
- Your age at the time of recording (approximate is fine)
- Major themes of the conversation