We encourage everyone who records an interview using the StoryCorps App to publish their interview to archive.storycorps.org. Only published interviews are backed up in our Online Archive and included in our closed collection of interviews in the Library of Congress. If you do not upload your interview to the Online Archive, we strongly recommend downloading a back copy of your audio to avoid the risk of losing your interview.
If you don’t want to publish your interview to archive.storycorps.org, you can preserve your interview as a draft in the StoryCorps App by selecting the “Save as Draft” button after you record. Interview drafts appear next to your published interview collection on the profile tab in the app and can be listened to from the “preview” step of the recording process.
Your unpublished interviews will appear in Drafts section of your profile. If you choose not to publish your interview, we strongly recommend download creating a backup by download a copy of your interview audio from the app. If you don’t upload your interview to the online archive or download your interview audio, you risk losing your interview if something happens to your device or you uninstall the app. You can find instructions on how to export a backup copy of your interview audio in the Help Center article below.
Exporting your interview audio from the StoryCorps App
If you change your mind and decide you’d like to publish your interview to the online archive at a later date, you can publish it directly to archive.storycorps.org by following the instructions in the Help Center article below.
Can I upload interview audio directly to archive.storycorps.org without the app?
Please Note: In 2022, we launched a new version of the StoryCorps App and this article relates to the latest version. If you need to figure out which version you’re on or find support materials for Version 1, please take a look at the Help Center article below. |
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