Publishing your StoryCorps App interview to can take several minutes depending on the length of the interview audio. Occasionally, users can encounter a handful of issues that may initially prevent them from publishing their interview from the app after recording.
Internet connection issues
If you are having issues publishing your interview to, you should verify that your device has a strong, reliable internet connection. It may be helpful to try publishing your interview using both a Wi-Fi connection and your device’s data plan depending on which network is more reliable.
Additionally, while we recommend setting your device to Airplane Mode during the interview (to avoid distractions like incoming texts, phone calls, and interruptions to the mic), be sure to turn Airplane Mode off when it comes time to publish.
Publishing during high-traffic times
Increased traffic on from recording initiatives (like The Great Thanksgiving Listen) can occasionally result in publishing issues. For most users, simply publishing their interview from the app again will resolve any issues from higher than usual archive traffic.
Ongoing difficulty publishing your StoryCorps App interview
If you continue to encounter issues publishing your interview audio (or the situation is time sensitive) you can save your interview as a draft, export the audio from the StoryCorps App, and publish your interview directly to You’ll find directions on how to download your interview audio in the Help Center article below:
Exporting your interview audio from the StoryCorps App
After you’ve downloaded your interview audio from the app, you can publish it directly to using the instructions found in the Help Center article below.
Can I upload interview audio directly to without the app?
Please Note: In 2022, we launched a new version of the StoryCorps App and this article relates to the latest version. If you need to figure out which version you’re on or find support materials for Version 1, please take a look at the Help Center article below. |
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